Kathy's Home

Kathy Kuddes is retired the Director of Fine Arts for the Plano Independent School District, Coordinator of the Plano Kodály Training Program, and lead instructor for its partner program at the Meadows School of Fine Arts at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. She is also a contributing folk song researcher for McGraw Hill Education.
Plano ISD is a district of approximately 50,000 students with trained Kodály Music Specialists in all 44 elementary schools, award-winning band, choir, orchestra, theatre and speech programs for students in grades 6-12, acclaimed visual arts, and a top ranked music theory program for high school juniors and seniors. To learn more about Plano ISD Fine Arts Programs click here.
To learn more about Kathy's professional background and read about her education, training, professional involvements and recognitions click on the "Learn More About Me" button below.
Check out my latest discussion with conversation with Victoria Boler on her Podcast - "Histories Beyond the Page"
what I Do
In addition to my administrative duties, I am a busy presenter. To see a complete list of Teacher Training Programs, Conference Sessions and Music Education Workshops I have presented and/or participated in across the United States and beyond click on the "Session & Workshop Topics" button below.
Folk Music Resources
These resource pages contain links to some of my favorite on-line folk music collections, performers pages, live folk music opportunities and much more..
Future Dates
February 18, 2025
McKinney ISD Professional Development
So happy to return to McKinney to discuss practical approaches for implementing Kodaly in the elementary music setting
McKinney ISD Elementary Music Department
February 27 - March 1, 2025
Kansas Music Educators Association Conference
I am so honored to be the featured clinician for this state MEA conference! I'll be presenting three sessions. One will focus on developing aural skills and tuneful singing, one will a session of sequenced singing games and the last will be :Kodály with a splash of Orff."
Kansas MEA Registration Information
June 3 - 18, 2025
Fort Bend Kodály Initiative
For those in the Houston area looking for a great training experience, I'll be in Fort Bend teaching Materials 1 & 3 and Musicianship 2. Come going this vibrant, growing program!
FBKI Registration Information
June 30 - July 16, 2025
Plano Kodály Teacher Training Program
We're back at SMU for the 25th Anniversary of this birth of this training program. We are offering all three levels and two levels of choral track this summer. Come join the best program in the North Texas area! Note - we'll take off Friday July 4 and have our special topics Saturday on July 12th.
Plano/SMU Registration Information
August 4 - 8, 2025
International Kodály Society Symposium - Kecskemét, Hungary
I hope you will consider joining me in the birthplace of Zoltán Kodály for this historic Symposium. The year 2025 marks the centenary of his first compositions for children’s choirs, which initiated a country-wide cultural movement for better music education and musical culture for all. It is also the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Kodály Society.
IKS Symposium Registration Information
Group Tour Information to IKS
Other Opportunities:
I would love to share with you and your colleagues my passion for Kodály-inspired instruction, folk song research, vertical curriculum planning and articulation and more. If you are interested in scheduling me to come to your region or school district for a workshop, please use the "Contact Me" link below.
McKinney ISD Professional Development
So happy to return to McKinney to discuss practical approaches for implementing Kodaly in the elementary music setting
McKinney ISD Elementary Music Department
February 27 - March 1, 2025
Kansas Music Educators Association Conference
I am so honored to be the featured clinician for this state MEA conference! I'll be presenting three sessions. One will focus on developing aural skills and tuneful singing, one will a session of sequenced singing games and the last will be :Kodály with a splash of Orff."
Kansas MEA Registration Information
June 3 - 18, 2025
Fort Bend Kodály Initiative
For those in the Houston area looking for a great training experience, I'll be in Fort Bend teaching Materials 1 & 3 and Musicianship 2. Come going this vibrant, growing program!
FBKI Registration Information
June 30 - July 16, 2025
Plano Kodály Teacher Training Program
We're back at SMU for the 25th Anniversary of this birth of this training program. We are offering all three levels and two levels of choral track this summer. Come join the best program in the North Texas area! Note - we'll take off Friday July 4 and have our special topics Saturday on July 12th.
Plano/SMU Registration Information
August 4 - 8, 2025
International Kodály Society Symposium - Kecskemét, Hungary
I hope you will consider joining me in the birthplace of Zoltán Kodály for this historic Symposium. The year 2025 marks the centenary of his first compositions for children’s choirs, which initiated a country-wide cultural movement for better music education and musical culture for all. It is also the 50th anniversary of the founding of the International Kodály Society.
IKS Symposium Registration Information
Group Tour Information to IKS
Other Opportunities:
I would love to share with you and your colleagues my passion for Kodály-inspired instruction, folk song research, vertical curriculum planning and articulation and more. If you are interested in scheduling me to come to your region or school district for a workshop, please use the "Contact Me" link below.
Kathy's Virtual
Folk Song Collection
This collection is a labor of love and a work in progress. These songs are of the folk and belong to no one. However, the notation and research found in this binder is my own work. All are welcome to enjoy them for personal or classroom use.
If you wish to share or publish any of these materials for professional purposes, please request permission to do so using the "Contact Me" link above. Tabs without song notation are place holders for future work - check back often.
If you wish to share or publish any of these materials for professional purposes, please request permission to do so using the "Contact Me" link above. Tabs without song notation are place holders for future work - check back often.
Summer Training Program Materials
Folk Music Students with the instructor authorized passwords - click the appropriate link below to access the Livebinder of course materials.